spkg - The Unofficial Slackware Linux Package Manager

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On this page you can get the lastest version of the spkg: spkg-1.0.1

Binary packages

I recommend you to build spkg yourself. It's very easy as you can see below. Binary packages for linux are no longer available. Package for windows can be downloaded here: spkg-1.0.1-win32-bin.tar.gz.

Source code

Spkg GIT repository is available on GITHUB.

(outdated) Source code is distributed as an ordinary tarball. Tarball for the latest version is: spkg-1.0.1.tar.gz.

More files

You can find more files in this directory.


Prerequisites for building spkg are at least:

NOTE: It may compile/work even with older version of these libraries but it was not tested.

Installing spkg is very easy. Just extract source code package and run these commands (you will need to have Judy installed first):

# ./configure && make && make install

To uninstall spkg, do:

# make uninstall
Written by Ondřej Jirman, 2005 - 2025
Last update: 2025-01-27 23:09
Contact: Ondřej Jirman (xff.cz/spkg/)